Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 285-2017 on the identification and registration of hives
The owner of the bee colony is a natural person, natural person – entrepreneur or legal entity that owns at least one beehive.
The commencement and cessation of beekeeping and the establishment and extinction of the hive habitat shall be notified within seven days to the regional veterinary and food administration locally competent according to the habitat.
The registration or cancellation of beekeeping, the establishment and extinction of the hive habitat shall be reported to the central livestock register on the prescribed form within seven days from the date of approval by the regional veterinary and food administration.
The hive habitat is the place where the hive is located during the laying or where it winters.
Nomadicism is the movement of bee colonies of plant or animal origin for pollination and the production of honey or other bee products.
The transfer of the hive is the transfer of the hive to the transfer of ownership or the transfer of the hive between the hive sites.