Genetic evaluation of pigs
The sire evaluation process follows as the next step after processing the PR results.
This process is subject to pig genetic evaluation.
Technical realization of the process, that is mathematical-statistical apparatus, which describes the acquisition of genetically “”pure”” potential of the individuals’ studied characters is realized by mathematical-statistical method:
Best Linear UnbiasedPrediction – best linear unbiased estimate. Since we are talking about Multivariate Animal Model, then M BLUP AM.
In our conditions, we evaluate the breeding values of characters:
- average daily gain in field tests
- amount of back fat in field tests
- average daily gain in fattening performance test and carcass value
- amount of back fat in fattening performance test and carcass value
- share of valuable essential parts in fattening performance test and carcass value
- number of live born piglets in the 1st litter
- number of live born piglets in the 2nd and litters
The genetic evaluation outcome is the estimation of breeding values of observed characters and determination of the total breeding value (genetic potential of an animal) for all pure-bred pigs active in breeding. Update of the breeding values takes place weekly.
The top ranking is set according to breed for male and female population.