Central laboratory for milk analysis offers the following types of tests:
Cow milk – fat, proteins, lactose, somatic cells count, urea, acetone bodies, lactoferrin
Sheep milk – fat, proteins, lactose, somatic cells count,
Goat milk – fat, proteins, lactose, somatic cells count,
The Central Laboratory of Milk Analysis has been accredited since 2000 – since November 17, 2000 – registration number S003.
From April 2021, the CLRM changed the supplier of calibration samples to SHEEP, in order to participate in the international ring test and thus increase the quality of analyzes.
Central laboratory for milk analysis on international aptitude tests
- Laboratory regularly participates in International Proficiency Exams (IPE).
- Laboratories from all over the world participate in IPE. In these tests, each laboratory receives the same set of samples with unknown values for fat, protein, lactose, urea and the somatic cell count in the sample. Each sample is measured according to the standard procedure and the measured values are sent for evaluation and statistical processing.
- In IPE, the repeatability and accuracy of the measurement are evaluated. The test organizer calculates a Z-score for each laboratory to measure individual samples.
- If the Z-score is less than or equal to ± 2, the results are satisfactory. If the Z-score is greater than ± 2 but less than ± 3, the results are still acceptable, but the laboratory must investigate why such a result occurred.
- If the Z-score is greater than ± 3 results are unacceptable and it is necessary to thoroughly evaluate why the laboratory has unacceptable results
Z-skóre ovčieho mlieka v medzinárodných testoch v Záhrebe 2024
Výsledky Z-skóre CLRM v medzinárodnom kruhovom teste v ACTALIA Cecalait – somatické bunky
Výsledky Z-skóre CLRM v medzinárodnom kruhovom teste v ICARe 2024
Ing. Eva Benkeiová | |
head of CLRM | |
ÚPZ Žilina | |
address | Rosinská cesta 12, 010 08 |
city | Žilina |
tel./extension | 041 – 5073 733 |
mobile | 0905 636 482 |
evabenkeiova@pssr.sk |